Privacy Policy

We value and respect your privacy. The following Page clearly states how we manage, store, and use your data. Please read it carefully so that you are well aware of what happens to your information once you fill any form on our website or agree to any service.
Any changes made to the privacy policy will be reflected here. Hence, we request you to check back in periodically. Where we get your data from
The information you give us:
This information can include your name, email id, phone number, address, as well as those of the people you are sending the products to for any reason; your photograph; financial information (credit/ debit cards).
Information automatically collected:
Mobile/ App:
On downloading our app, we receive your and your mobile device’s location. This
is used to provide location-specific services. You can also disable the locations settings should your device allow it.
When do we share the data and with whom?
Third party delivery services
Your name, address, and telephone number is shared with a promise on the part of the delivery company to not share or use the information in any way.
Third party payment providers.
Your name, address, debit. Credit card information, order information is shared.
Transfer of business.
In case merges or is bought by another company, customer information is one of the assets shared or given away, subject to the pre-existing Privacy Policy.
In a legal context.
To respond to a lawful request, search warrant, or subpoena. It may also be shared when we believe it is instrumental in protecting the rights, property, and safety of as well as its customers. No information is ever disclosed, sold, shared, or rented for commercial purposes.
Your Rights:
Right to request access to data that we store about you.
Right to demand changes in incorrect or inaccurate data.
Right to demand the termination of processing of your data any longer. Right to lodge a complaint should you wish.
A cookie is a small text file that enables various features of and is placed on your computer or mobile. They store user preferences and track user trends in order to better your experience on the website and provide customized options to you. You can decide whether you want cookies to be enabled for your Internet surfing or not using the browser settings. Leaving them on will mean that you accept to our usage of whatever personal information is collected by our cookie.
For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at